Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Disney World

Over Thanksgiving break we went to Disney World.  It was a ton of fun!  I feel a lot fatter now because we just ate out for 5 days straight, but it was definitely worth it--even after getting weighed at my doctor's appointment.

We went to Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Downtown Disney.  Ryder thought that the characters were awesome...from a distance.  When we would get up close he started to get really nervous.  He was pretty good with Tigger and Pooh, though (pictures pending).  He loved going in all the gift shops where he would proceed to take every different stuffed animal off the shelf, look at it, and set it on the ground.  He's hilarious!  He let us know early on that he didn't appreciate any loud noises or rides that had menacing music.  
I think his favorite ride was "It's a Small World."  Probably because he thought the kids were real, and  he loves singing.  I think the most fun he had was with Rocky's dad.  Kent would hold Ryder and take him wherever he pointed his finger.  (And believe me he points his finger a lot and makes a lot of gibberish noises that he thinks are sentences).
I also enjoyed myself.  Previous to our trip, I asked my doctor what I could do about the rides.  He said that I should read the signs and follow any cautions.  So, I did as he said.  I read the signs, and some of them said "Pregnant women should not ride this ride."  However, the sign didn't say "Pregnant women cannot ride this ride."  I guess I was in luck.  I didn't go overboard--I just went on Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and some of the smaller rides.  I don't really think that was pushing it. :)  I didn't go on Rockin' Rollercoaster or Everest, so I think that was more cautious.  I just didn't want to go to Disney and not enjoy myself.  
All in all, it was a lot of fun, and hopefully Rocky had a good birthday as well.  (His birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year).  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Kneaders" Experience

I had been craving Kneader's french toast for about a month now, but we could never make our way to Provo before 11 am to indulge.  Finally, yesterday we were able to make the journey to the "promised land."  (You can definitely tell I am pregnant because it was such a momentous occasion).  Upon arriving, we discovered that the parking lot was packed.  Uh-oh...when we went inside the line was long, and it was 10 minutes to 11.  I was so worried that I would have to eat a sandwich.  However, when we got to the front of the line, victory was mine--I ordered the french toast without a hitch.  

After ordering, I realized we had an even bigger problem--the seating situation.  Each table was packed with ravenous college students that were coming back for more french toast (did I mention it's all-you-can-eat?).  Every single table inside and outside was taken.  Looking around the room we tried to gauge which group would be the first to leave so we could occupy their table.  At one table there was a lonely guy using his sidekick with a plate fully clean.  He was oblivious to the 8 other customers in our same boat waiting to snatch his table.  Then there were "The Hills" girls who came in and ordered after us who casually snuck into a table in the corner because the were much to important to think of common courtesy.  (I think even Lauren Conrad might have been a little more aware).
Finally, we grabbed the next available table just when our food arrived.  We sat down, and I slowly savored the delicious meal.  It had all been worth the college drama.  Even the petty conversations about how to get the girl to like you without really showing you were truly interested didn't bother me.  It did make me wonder, "Was my circle of awareness ever that small?"  To which I think the answer is yes.  (I'd like to think to a smaller degree), but having a child and another one on the way does make me think of those around me a lot more.  P.S.  The guy by himself was holding a table for his friends who arrived 40 minutes later--when several tables were available.  Good thing he saved them a seat!  :)  I couldn't resist.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am so frustrated right now...I just logged on to Facebook, and I started reading comments that some of my "friends" from high school were posting.  Talk about bigotry...of course it was about prop 8.  They adamantly pointed out that 75% of the funding for 8 was by the LDS church.  They went on to say that they were "glad" that our tithing went to a good cause--rather than helping homeless people.  WOW...first off, it is our fast offerings which help those in need.  Secondly, I'm not sure those people have ever donated a dime in their life to any charity.  So, why would they dwell on this?  

Also, the reason why the LDS church donated so much for prop 8 wasn't because the church is against gays having rights.  It is because if prop 8 didn't pass it would infringe on our rights of worship, intrude on our moral beliefs, and force the church to support something that is morally wrong or they would get sued.  
I wanted to write something back immediately because it was pure ignorance I was reading.  But, I knew if I did it would be words against words and useless.  They will never change their beliefs, and I won't change mine.  It just disgusts me how they think that people are so intolerant if they happen to disagree with mainstream media and moral ideals.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Your husband might be a nerd if...

Not only is Rocky's Halloween costume an example of why he is a nerd, but here are some other things to consider...
Your husband might be a nerd if:
-he has more toys than your own child and the neighbors combined.
-he is getting a custom made Star Wars costume for next year (being made now).
-he owns copies of several kids cartoons.
-he tries to teach your child the names of various superheroes and other things relating to the "nerd side."
-reads Wired and National Geographic magazines cover to cover.
-had to be conviced to stop using his cartoon pillowcase.
...I think I could go on, and on, but overall being a nerd makes my husband a fabulous father! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween party at my sister Monica's house on the 18th. It was a lot of fun! The kids played several different games, one of which was eating a donut off a string as quickly as possible. After observing his older cousins, he tried eating with no hands. Ryder proved to be quite talented at this.

Sweet Moves...

The Contest...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello there!

I decided it would be a good idea to create a blog so that family and friends could stay in touch with us.  Previously I had viewed a blog as the Christmas letter that never ends.  You know the one where the parents brag about how wonderful their kids are.   "Billy just invented the cold fusion reactor in his science class!"  (Rocky helped out with that).  So, I guess some things do change.  And by the way, Ryder just won "Cutest Baby Award" issued!