Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bad, The Very Bad, The Good, and The Ugly!

The Bad:

January 3rd we received a call from our neighbors in Spanish Fork informing us that our smoke alarms were going off. They told us that they would use our spare key to investigate. We thought (hoped & wished) that it was a fluke. Nope. It was $10,000 worth of damage they were hearing!
Our neighbor, Russell, went inside to find that our kitchen floor was flooded. A pipe had frozen and was draining from under the sink into our dishwasher, which in turn flooded the entire kitchen and bathroom floor and seeped into 2 bedrooms and a bathroom in the basement. Was the basement finished? You might be asking--yup. {Insert vomiting sound here.}

The Very Bad:

The 2 questions that ran through our mind were: 1) How did this happen? 2) Will our insurance cover it? OH BOY...well, this is where it gets VERY bad because question 2 is determined by question 1. The answer to question 1 is: Our pipes froze because of the temperature. Rocky's face drained of all color when he realized that he had turned off our heat!!!! Will the insurance cover that? NO. No, they won't cover that teeny mistake. We were sick, sick, sick. Where would we come up with $10,000 (or more)?

The Good: {Insert sigh of relief here--if you've read this far you may be emotionally invested.}

Rocky talked to the insurance adjuster and answered all his questions honestly. I was feeling bitter because I felt we were going to be punished for Rocky's honesty. We could have lied and said the heat was on, and the insurance would have happily paid. But, when Rocky told the guy that he had turned the heat off--things were NOT looking good. (Why is this in the good section?!)
So, we prayed, and prayed, and fasted and called relatives and friends and connections who we thought could help. Then, a miracle happened! It turns out that after talking to our neighbor, and a different neighbor, and the restoration guy they all said that when they went into our house that the heat was, in fact, on. We wondered who had turned it back on. Maybe someone who had walked through our house, a realtor, or an angel! :) But, that simple fact changed everything because now: OUR INSURANCE WILL COVER IT!!
We are thrilled and we feel very blessed! It's quite amazing, really.

The Ugly:
Well, this is going to seem so trivial after that epic disaster, but I had a sore throat/cold/man voice for a full week. It was NOT pretty! That's all on that one. Seriously.

This all adds up to an eventful January, and I feel like I need a vacation--which I will be going on in 3 weeks! Hurray! Pictures to come. :)


The Story of Life said...

I'm glad that they are going to cover it! What a HUGE relief!!! I am very jealous that you are going to take such a great vacation. Do you think that Rocky's parents want to adopt a daughter?

Shannon Dooley said...

You are such a good writer Heather! I love reading your posts (now to get you to do them more regularly.:) I am so glad things worked out for you & I hope you're feeling better. Man voices are simply not sexy.

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Yikes!!!! Hope it all works out :D

Cassie said...

whew! Sounds like a nightmare though. And the even uglier- you were here (on such bad terms), and we didn't even get to see you.