Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exciting News!!

NOPE...I'm not pregnant.
It's bittersweet news actually. After much consideration, prayers, pondering, contemplation, etc. we decided to sign with a realtor. (If you want more specifics why, we'll have a chat later). So, because we made that decision we are heading up to Idaho before the house is sold. We are hoping to be there before Thanksgiving!
It will be very quick, and we will be SO sad to leave our awesome ward and the wonderful friends we have made. But, we are so excited to be by my family and friends up in least for the short few months until we make the BIG move to North Carolina for Rocky's job.
So, Idaho prepare yourself for a party, and Spanish Fork ladies--get nice and sick of me while you can!


The Story of Life said...

Let the games begin baby!!!! Let's do lunch, play games, and party! Can't wait to have you here for a little while.

Tahsha said...

Oh NO! I'm SO going to miss you. I can't believe you're leaving, but I'm excited for you and all the exciting changes that will soon come your way!

Emily said...

NOOOOOOOO! I'm in denial. How can I break the news to Morgan that her love is moving away. Sad. Hey at least I'll have 2 less kids in nursery. haha

We are all going to miss you so much!

Let's plan a big going away bash

Cassie said...

Sad, sad news. You have been such a great friend to me and a great example in so many ways. I am excited for you but really- what am I going to do without you?!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

We'll miss you! But it will be an adventure for you for sure :D

Curtis & Nichole said...

We'll see you guys soon then I guess. Soak it all up then in Idaho because it will be different not being so close to family. :(

Good luck on your house selling too

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Congratulations! North Carolina is beautiful. I visited Marc there quite a bit while we were dating and he was living with Mike. :) Good Luck with everything!

Shannon Dooley said...

I am so happy to have found your blog Heather! It's been such a long time since I last saw you. You are as gorgeous as ever!!! :) I am so sorry about your Dad. My heart breaks for. Having lost close family members myself I know there is nothing that can be said that will make the void any easier. I will say a prayer for you & your family though. My hubby is from Charlotte, NC so we get out there at least once a year. You're going to love it! Sending hugs your way. Shannon (Jefferson)