Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2 weeks...

I feel like a lot has happened and yet time seems like it's starting to slow down. I went to the doctor today and he told me that I am dilated to a 1 and I am 60% effaced. Now, maybe that is too much info to be sharing, but after having one baby and you have like 10 different nurses see your bum you just get used to being more open. Anyway...
Lately people have been asking me, "How are you feeling?" You know it's usually more of a rhetorical question, and what they really mean is, "Hi. I'm acknowledging you and being polite" or they are expecting "Good." I usually do just say "Good," but sometimes when I'm feeling brutally honest I say, "Fat," "Huge," or an occasional "Uncomfortable." When it gets to that point you know that you are ready to have the baby.
I still have so much to do--I need to clean, prepare sub plans, etc. but I just feel like I can't get my body to cooperate. It's telling me that I need to slow down. (I guess this post was more a vent, but WOW! I hope the next post is about a new baby!!!)


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness- you are getting close! How close was Ryder delivered to his due date? Any day now... :) Can't wait to see her!

The Story of Life said...

The only thing that helps me at the end is to remind myself that things are a calm and low key right now. Take advantage of that! In two weeks you will be busy, busy, busy!!! I can't wait to see a little girl Davies. I'm glad that you will have help for 2 weeks. You could always UPS Ryder up here and I will be his mom for a few days.

Derek and Christi said...

Quack. If it helps you feel any better, you will be 20 lbs. lighter when my baby is born... does that help?

Your comment on Dereks fame was a hoot. Magnum, haha.

I just ate at The Fatten Calf this afternoon! Did you know there was one here? Idaho Falls is so cool now. I remember the good old days, eatin' at Barf 'A' Rio, the after effects were never very good. Too Much Info? Shoot.

Well, good luck these next few weeks. Later.