Sunday, April 12, 2009

Little Stinker

Ryder has been quite the character lately. I don't know if he's hitting his terrible twos a little early or what. Most of the things he does I just want to laugh out loud about, but I know that this would encourage some negative behaviors. He really has a funny personality--as you can tell!

I heard loud noises upstairs when Ryder was suppose to be taking a nap. I went upstairs to see what the commotion was. This is what I saw.

This helmet was HUGE, but he loved wearing it.

Rocky informed me that this is an "imperial guard" helmet. Ryder really wanted to wear it.

Rocky chose these adorable eggs. Ryder's favorites were the monkeys.

A rainy neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.

Chillin' with Grandma. Ryder is always saying that "grandpa" (which means grandma & grandpa) are at work. That means that he can't see them so that's where they are.

He loves wearing these green glasses.

Ryder and Daddy Monkeyin' around.

He LOVES wearing hats!

Ryder's sweet glasses.


Mandy said...

Hey girl! Your little boy is sooo cute, so is your mom!! How are your parents doing anyway?

The Story of Life said...

Okay, I'm gonna have to hurt that cute kid. I love the helmet. That is so funny.

Cute picture of Mom and Ryder. That was nice of Rocky to let Ryder wear his police hat. That must be one of his "costumes" (if you catch my drift..ha ha!)

Derek and Christi said...

You didn't know that was an imperial guard helmet?

Cute pic of Ryder with your mom, and cute sunglasses. Evelyn has some sunglasses, as well, and really likes them.

I noticed no pictures of you, are you on a picture strike like me?

Chelsi said...

He is so cute. I love it when they say all their funny things I just laugh all day at my two guys!!

Cassie said...

What a cute kid! You really made out to get a cute kid with a cute personality. Thanks for the one year book loan.