Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Pack Rat

When I opened the door to Ryder's room after his nap, I found this. I don't know if you've seen the show Hoarders, but if they plan a junior addition I may have a candidate.

Side-note: this is just one of the many piles he's been making lately. What can I say? He's just like his dad!


Tahsha said...

I love that he literally brought chairs into his bed. Too funny!

Emily said...

Oh man spencer could give him a run for his money. He used to dump his toy buckets on his bed before falling to sleep and now under his bed is all kinds of treasures. Kids are awesome. That show btw makes me throw up in my mouth. I feel dirty just watching it.

The Story of Life said...

That is so funny! I wonder what he was trying to accomplish with all the stuff on the bed. I'm sure that he had some idea for the chairs up there. Too cute! Hope that Chase is feeling better.

Derek and Christi said...

Ha ha! That's funny... he's just like his dad. Love the after nap face, looks just like Evelyns.

Briann said...

that is so funny! He actually does that in nursery with toys, he makes little piles and guards them, its pretty funny