Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Traitor to Motherhood?

I've been debating about whether or not I should discuss this topic. I don't want to sound negative or pessimistic. However, I have been feeling really BORED lately. I hope I don't sound like a traitor to motherhood! Do I love and cherish my kids? Of course! Am I glad that I am staying home to teach, play, and watch them grow? Absolutely.

The past few days have felt like Groundhog Day. I get up, get the kids fed, get them and myself ready, clean up toys, play with them, put them down for naps, clean up toys, make lunch, play with them...Are you bored yet?!!

Here are the responses I've received when I tell others that I'm bored:

1."Can't you find a cupboard to clean out?"
Answer: Yes. I have plenty of mess in my garage, storage room, etc. Is this suppose to cure my boredom? Am I suppose to accomplish anything when I have the wrecking crew following behind me? (By the way, my sweet mother said that--never bored when you have 13 kids!!)

2."Don't you have a hobby that can occupy your time?"
Answer: Yes. I do have hobbies--I like to sew, read, run, play sports,etc. Can I do these things while watching my 2 kids. Well, a little bit. I guess it just really bothers me to stop in the middle of project or to feel like I'm neglecting them while I'm doing a project. (P.S. Comment made by Rocky, an extremely talented artist that can dedicate his time to his, I'm sounding cynical!)

I'm sure most of you wake up and find millions of things to fill your day with and hardly have a moment to relax. Yes, I do have those days, but not lately.

Advice or sympathy would be much appreciated...Thanks! :)


Sassy Salsa girl said...

Welcome to the club, my heck!
You have every last bit of my sympathy because I feel exactly the same way.
Of course there are things to do, there always are, but since when is doing work entertaining enough to stifle boredom.
Don't feel bad about it, even people with very interesting jobs (I can't think of any right now) are sure to get bored once in a while.
I'm bored all the time, even with my kids being, well who they are. I mean have you read my blog, lol!
I have no advice, just hang in there :D

Tahsha said...

Did you write that, or did I? I can't's sounds exactly like how I feel a lot of the time. It's easy to feel like you loose yourself to motherhood. Once I found a hobby that I was PASSIONATE about, (not just something to take up my time) I felt a lot better about it. Like I could still be "myself" while being a mother.
Good luck! Once the weather changes, it'll be easier too. Come play with us!

Shannon said...

You have my sympathy. I can tell you once they get older and are more involved in things, even preschool two times a week, spice things up. We start our "friday group" three years ago and that has been heaven for us ladies. four of us get together every friday and we rotate houses. we chat, enjoy the bonds of sister hood and at the same time accomplish a chore or project at the person's house that is hosting that week. We each get a Friday at our house. It is something that I always look forward to. You could start something like that...project group or exercise or book or cook, whatever it is you like. If you're feeling this way you can pretty much count on a dozen other women in your ward feeling that way too. You should start something, even if its only for 2 hours a will feel accomplished at the end of the day. Not that changing diapers and doing laundry isn't accomplishing anything....but its a much better feeling. Hang in're not alone.

The Story of Life said...

I worked up until I had Brynn. When I first quit and stayed home with 2 kids, I felt the same way. There is no shame in saying that it is a little boring at times. You are used to talking with lots of people throughout your day. I will tell you gets better. I think warmer days will completely change things for you. Once it is warm enough to go outside you will feel better. Sometimes I look back on those "boring days" and wish I had that a little. Life gets hecktic and crazy the older your kids get. So I guess you better just lay back and soak in the calm. :)

Kristie said...

I think every mom has felt this way at some point. I know I have! I can't wait for the warmer weather. I do much better in the summer. You can give me a call anytime.(I am ok to do things last minute) :) and come over or take the kids to McDonalds or whatever at least we can have interaction with another adult:)

The Plum Verbena said...

I think EVERY mother has felt this way! It is boring a lot of days being a Mom, with the same routine over and over. I have to keep in mind that it beats any other job I have had though (I had REALLY boring jobs...). And I just have to get out of my house! Going Target is never boring :)
And, as your kids get older I feel like it gets better- living with Ansley is rarely boring anymore. If you would like to borrow my little chatty girl she is all yours!

Triana Ord said...

Don't feel bad about being bored! I think all mom's get bored with their routine. Routine is just that... routine and boring and not very fun at times. I hate the winter, there's so little to do. Hopefully once the weather warms back up it won't be so bad. Good luck and let us know if you need to get the kids out to play! We'd love to have you!

Kevin and Ashlee said...

Oh Heather!! Just a couple days ago I also thought about the movie "Groundhog Day". I stay up really late because I don't want to wake up in the morning and go through the exact same process I did the day before. I'm sure all moms at one time or another feel like they're in a rut. Things will get better. Miss you!!

Emily Andrus said...

What, cleaning out a cupboard isn't entertaining? :)
I have to say it is just recently that I have completely settled into domestic motherhood bliss. I think it takes a long time before being totally fulfilled and satisfied being a stay at home mom. I think Heidi hit the nail on the head. Once your kids get older, things get more hectic. Time seems to go by faster and faster. You gain perspective on how quickly it is all slipping away. I think it helps you to more fully enjoy all the little groundhog day moments.
With that said, don't lose you. Schedule time for doing things with the girls, by yourself, and with Rocky without the kiddies. It will help you be a better mommy and wife.
Next year, you could do a co-op pre-school with some friends for Ryder. That could give you a few days a week with a little variation and structure. It's a weird feeling once your kids start kindergarten. You realize they will be going to school until they graduate. Sometimes it is nice to think back to the good ol' days when there was no schedule.
If all else fails, feel free to use my go to: a diet dr. pepper, an Us Weekly, and laying out in the sun~~

Nathan and Sarah said...

I hear you Heather! I wouldn't trade being home with Molly for anything, but sometimes singing 'itsy,bitsy,spider" is not the most entertaining thing for an adult. If you come up with some great solution, I would love to know!

Briann said...

I totally hear what you are saying! I have scrapbooks that I would love to get done but don't have the room to get it all out AND Leah gets into everything! So YES I could do it during nap time BUT that is ME time, I so know how you feel, maybe a mommy play date is in order?

Ashley said...

I totally agree. I LOVE being home with my kids but on the other hand I have those long boring days that never seem to end. I do have to agree that the more things Livee gets involved in, the busier we are and I love the variation. I totally feel like I'm neglecting my kids too when I sew, read, blog, etc. but I think doing those things helps me to be sane and a better mom. We should meet up one of these days, we are in Draper! It would be fun to get together.

p.s. You'll be a great Young Women's president, but wow, kinda cruel to do that to a mom of two little kids!!!