Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not much new...

I haven't written on the blog for a while because not a lot has been happening. A lot happens at school, but I don't know how much people want to hear about my professional life. For example, on Thursday I had to deal with a kid running away from school. It was a little scary...he was found at the park 2 hours later.
Parents make me laugh, though. During lunch today, I got a message asking if I would fax a boy his homework. Haha, I asked the secretary who took the message if he was going to be gone the rest of the week. She just gave me this funny look and said they were "snowed in." So, I asked his next door neighbor if she would take it over to him. :) It was too funny! Next thing ya know I'll have parents asking if I will text them updates on their child. Gotta love the life a teacher.


The Story of Life said...

I'm sure that you are a great teacher. The school is lucky to have you. There is probably never a dull moment as a teacher.

Brooke said...

haha! Oh brother... where do these people come from?!