Friday, April 29, 2011

Pajama Buddies

Chase's favorite thing to do lately...

Ryder was calling her "Buddy" (a combination of Woody and Buzz).

Friday, April 8, 2011

2 posts in 1 day--oh my!

Blonde (modeling for a project of Rocky's).

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.


Don't you hate it when people post their awesome pictures from Hawaii? Well, that's why it took me so long to put these up. I felt smug doing it. But, with this crappy weather, I guess I just want to go back in time.
So here are some pics from February when Rocky's amazing parents took us with them to Hawaii! Don't be hater. :)

<---Someone had to tame this beast.

<----These flamingos were on our hotel grounds.

I'm still trying to teach Rocky how to ride like a cowboy. :)

Susan and Kent. Rocky's parents. They are the best!

We went snorkeling and the boat also had 2 slides and a diving board. We whipped up a routine for the passengers.
<---- :)

<---How did this picture get in here?
