Friday, September 4, 2009


Just when I thought the stones were all gone they decided to come back for another visit...
It started Tuesday afternoon while I was waiting for Lindsay and Crissy to come over. At first I thought that they were menstrual cramps, but then the pain escalated. I took 2 oxycodone and I felt good for the visit (Lindsay could probably tell you if I was really acting normal). That evening I passed 2 stones, but I still felt so sick.
I tried drinking lots of water to pass more stones, but I couldn't keep anything down (I threw up 12 times in about 36 hours). Anyway, I passed 2 more little stones and I think I may have one more small one. I'm crossing my fingers that this will be the end!!

4 comments: said...

You poor girl!! I hope that you will never have to go through this again!! OUCH! Wish we were there to help you.

Derek and Christi said...

Heather that's terrible! If it makes you feel any better, I feel SO bad for you! I hope they pass soon.

Nathan and Sarah said...

So were you able to catch them? I hate that. I just found out today I have 2 more big ones. No fun. I am so sorry you had to deal with to kidney stones!!!

Heather Davies said...

I was able to catch 2 of them. They weren't super big--like the size of a grain of rice. Kidney stones stink! I would not wish them upon my worst enemy. I hope yours aren't too big, Sarah!